Monday, November 22, 2010

Cultural Rot

Through the years I have witnessed how the cultural rot of liberalism has transformed our culture. In ways quite subtle it has placed government over family, secularism over religion, and a naked worship of the present over the respect for tradition. Liberalism requires ignorance of history, religion and tradition in order to survive.

Only the decay caused by the disease of liberalism could explain how a man like Obama could have been elected as President of the United States of America. He has promised what he could not and has not delivered. What he has succeeded at is ironically, utter failure. Obama has attempted actions that have already been proven to fail. He smoothly succeeded at making them sound sensuously appealing so that the starry eyed public - ignorant of the moral cancer destroying and corrupting their vital organs - voted him into an office which he has proven he is incapable of holding.

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